Advantages of corporal punishment in schools pdf

Corporal punishment is normally meted out to children in schools by teachers and at homes by parents or guardians. The research findings demonstrate that corporal punishment in schools is highly correlated to family acceptance by practicing corporal punishment at home and lack of parental reporting of corporal punishment practiced by teachers, in addition to the school acceptance through having school principals practice corporal punishment and. Any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort. Advantages of establishing an alternative school that will provide anger management services for students. Proponents of corporal punishment need to demonstrate the. Corporal punishment doesnt inflict injury but does involve some pain.

Basic education rights handbook education rights in. Because corporal punishment was such an ingrained part of society, it has been. Arguments for and against the use of corporal punishment. Corporal punishments are heinous and should be done away with. Physical punishment leads to anxiety and aggression, says duke university professor jennifer landsford and her colleagues in a study of 1,196 children published as corporal punishment, maternal warmth, and child adjustment in the journal of clinical and adolescent psychology in 2014. Pdf in this paper the researchers sought to examine the issues and challenges surrounding the notion of corporal punishment in schools. Wright case that corporal punishment in schools is not cruel or unusual, according to cnn 2 6 7. Corporal punishment in schools essay academic master. No one likes the thought of punishment, and knowing that it can be enforced can be a strong influence o the actions of children. Teachers and school administrators resort to corporal punishment to correct poor behaviors. Corporal punishment advantages and disadvantages essays.

There is a general view that in order to eradicate harmful punishment in schools, it is vital to support and equip teachers. Children who receive physical punishment for their. Before 1994 the most common form of school discipline was corporal punishment but now things have changed. Alternatives to corporal punishment discipline is an ongoing process and. Positive punishment techniques are instituted by teachers who wish to manage their classrooms in a way that encourages students. The government of the republic of uganda banned corporal punishment in 2006, but despite this, corporal punishments continue in schools.

Corporal punishment is practised in schools across the world, including 20 states of the usa. As of 2008 corporal punishment has been banned in 24 countries, including germany, greece and the netherlands. Corporal punishment should be counterpoint allowed in schools. Mar 01, 2016 opposes the implementation of corporal punishment in schools. I take the position that there are both advantages and disadvantages to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment in schools is an emotional and controversial topic for many people. Corporal punishment in nigerian schools a discipline strategy that has been adopted by teachers in nigerian schools is corporal punishment in general, and beating in particular. This is due, in part, to the fact that parents who use alternative and positive methods of discipline teach their children more communication and problemsolving skills. Any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Teachers perceptions on corporal punishment as a method of discipline in elementary schools 243 including the usa. This practice is specified in the discipline policies of cities and towns in roughly twentytwo. Corporal punishment advantages and disadvantages free essays. Advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment karthikh venks april 6, 2017 may 7, 2020 0 comment capital punishment is an issue of an ongoing controversy in various states and countries, and the stances of governments on this matter can vary within a single region. This study critically analyzed the effect of using this type of punishment on students in nigerian high schools.

The type of punishment and consequences will vary according to the age of the child, says kids health, but there are some key advantages that apply to children of any age. Longitudinal evidence from ethiopia, india, peru andviet nam. Jun 30, 2019 in the united states, corporal punishment is mostly eradicated from private schools but is legal in public schools. This was published in 2007 in a survey report by ministry of women and child development. Oct 02, 2018 advocates of corporal punishment in schools believe that it offers an immediate solution to indiscipline. What are the advantages and disadvantages of punishment. At the present time, corporal punishment is considered to be legal in public schools in 19 states. Children who are misbehaving become a quick distraction to the entire learning environment and corporal punishment allows this to be dealt with in a quick and. The fourth advantage is that corporal punishment is adjustable, in that we may easily inflict different amounts of pain on different people for different offences ibid. While i argue corporal punishment is not an effective form of punishment at schools as a punishment itself, other forms of punishment should be used in cases where students are errant. Currently there are many different terms used to label corporal punishment, for example, it has been called spanking, paddling, caning, lashing, popping, smacking, whipping or beating. Learn expectations consistency is the key to disciplining children of any age, reports kids health.

For punishment to be effective you will have to establish certain criteria. Clustered sampling technique was applied to identify the sample size for the study. Advocates of corporal punishment insist that the methods must be safe, promote the welfare of students and meet guidelines established by the. However, corporal punishment is just one of the many ways to discipline a child. The advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment.

Corporal punishment refers to any physical form of punishment, but in this case it refers to in schools. The disadvantages of physical punishment for children our. Another disadvantage of corporal punishment is the fact that it can land the one meting out the physical punishment in big trouble. Whether physical punishments are used at home or in school, the. Contemporary issues in education research first quarter. Essay on corporal punishment in schools 1007 words bartleby. Corporal punishment should be counterpoint allowed in. Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical pain as punishment.

The south african schools act 84 of 1996 section 10. In 1977, the supreme court ruled in the ingraham vs. The first advantage wilson mentions is that corporal punishment is cheap and easy to administer clark, 2004, p. Other approaches that can be taken by teachers to discipline unruly students. Corporal punishment in schools generally punishment administered across the buttocks or on the hands with a paddle or yardstick was certainly legal in all u. It typically takes the form of spanking or slapping the child with an open hand or striking with an implement such as a belt, slipper, cane, hairbrush or paddle, hanger, and can also include shaking, pinching. Alternatives to corporal punishment discipline is an ongoing process and results cannot be achieved on the basis of one incident. Alternative methods to corporal punishment and their efficacy. Proponents of corporal punishment need to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method as a tool of discipline. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages to corporal punishment.

In view of the findings, the study recommends urgent need to create awareness on alternative methods to corporal punishment and also. Learn how prevalent corporal punishment is, the arguments for and against it, and. Even though some parents and school boards argue that corporal punishment has a negative effect on the learning environment, some believe there are advantages such as deterrence, immediacy, alignment with parents discipline measures and lost cost 6 7. However, this type of punishment is not limited to christianmajority. In september of 2018, a school in the state of georgia garnered national attention by sending home a consent to paddle form, informing parents of the renewed use of the paddle, a punishment which mostly disappeared in.

The use of corporal punishment increases the short term effects of compliance of a student or child because the reprimand is fresh in their mind. The discipline styles prevalence was in the 1970s, while presently, many countries engage in spirited discussions of the merits and demerits of this. The use of corporal punishment in nigerian high schools is widely accepted as a norm. It can also be a strong deterrent to disruptive behavior. Also, the use of corporal punishment increases the probability of children assaulting parents in retaliation as they grow. They therefore argued, it is unacceptable to abolish corporal punishment altogether without suggesting another good alternative. Corporal punishment inflicts longterm harm both physically and mentally on children. Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools more cons than pros sparing the rod does not always spoil the child. Corporal punishment is still legal under various circumstances in the united states public schools.

In the authors opinion, this point is just a claim without any proof or deep meaning. Physical or corporal punishment by a parent or other legal guardian is any act causing deliberate physical pain or discomfort to a minor child in response to some undesired behavior. Corporal punishment can be divided into three categories, these. However, this legality must ensure that any corporal punishment methods are safe, comply with. School corporal punishment, a form of corporal punishment, covers official punishments of school students for misbehavior that involve striking the student a given number of times in a generally methodical and premeditated ceremony. Corporal punishment has been used widely in schools for thousands of years for legal and religious reasons and has spawned old proverbs such as spare the rod and spoil the child, which is paraphrase of the biblical verse, he who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. Most educators today recognize the importance of punishment in school. Advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment. Beating of children in schools educational psychology. The arguments for and against mainly revolve around the ethics and practicalities of using physical force as a way of maintaining student discipline. Even though some parents and school boards argue that corporal punishment has a negative effect on the learning environment, some believe there are advantages such as deterrence, immediacy, alignment with parents discipline measures and lost cost. The advantages of corporal punishment in schools how to adult. Corporal punishment is often thought of as a deterrent to bad behavior.

Data collection was done in respect of the study specific objectives through data collection methods which include questionnaires and interviews. It was found that, although teachers use alternative methods to corporal punishment, they believe that they are less effective compared to corporal punishment. Arguments for and against the use of corporal punishment in. Advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment, essay sample. Opposes the implementation of corporal punishment in schools. Contemporary issues in education research first quarter 2015. The advantages of corporal punishment legal beagle. Corporal punishment in schools has declined in recent years, but still continues to be practiced in many states. Corporal punishment may also be used to keep others in line as others do not want the same punishment to happen to them. The advantages of punishment in the classroom synonym.

Vockell much of the discussion of corporal punishment is based on preconceived notions that this technique is either absolutely essential or intrinsically evil. Advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment, essay. Advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment. Apr 06, 2017 advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment karthikh venks april 6, 2017 may 7, 2020 0 comment capital punishment is an issue of an ongoing controversy in various states and countries, and the stances of governments on this matter can vary within a single region. A significant number of schools have banned corporal punishment.

The disadvantages of physical punishment for children. Advocates of corporal punishment in schools believe that it offers an immediate solution to indiscipline. Basic education rights handbook education rights in south. Pdf the effect of corporal punishment in nigerian high. Corporal punishment in schools is now illegal in all european countries, except for france and the czech republic. What are some positivesadvantages of corporal punishment. The advantages of punishing children for bad behavior hello. To explain about corporal punishment in schools, know that 2 out of 3 children that go to school are victims of corporal punishment. An effective behavior adjustment corporal punishment is one of the most quick and effective ways to discipline a child who is acting up. Positive punishment techniques are instituted by teachers who wish to manage their classrooms in a. People who are for corporal punishment in schools generally take the view that, if the physical force can be.

The advantages of corporal punishment it helps to serve as a deterrent. Previous researches pointed out that adults parents and teachers who were physically punished in their childhood are more supportive of corporal punishment than those who were not subjected to physical punishment hyman, 1988. Definition of corporal punishment the following definition, by the committee on the rights of the child, is the most widely accepted understanding of what we mean by corporal punishment. The advantages of punishing children for bad behavior. What are the disadvantages of corporal punishment in schools. They maintain that students quickly get back to classroom learning after corporal punishment, thereby arguing that it is better than other forms of punishment like suspending the student from school bauer 289. Beating or hitting the child is like physical torture and does not always yield productive results. The issue of corporal punishment at schools is by no means free of controversy. Corporal punishment is the process of utilizing negative reinforcement through inflicting physical pain to a child as a technique of availing punishment for doing wrong in school or at home. The main advantages for it are the immediate effectiveness and the low cost. Punishment in educational centers pros cons alternatives.

Essay on corporal punishment in schools 1007 words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of punishment answers. These behaviors can affect children at school and may. The advantages of corporal punishment in schools how to. A parent must weigh their options very carefully, and always have an open and heartfelt conversation in addition to, or in lieu of, corporal punishment with the child in order to encourage understanding, respect and learning. Agbenyega 2006 reports on the practice of corporal punishment in two basic schools in the.

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